ALPHA 4/8/12
Centrali, From 4 up to 12 zones, Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosione, Sistemi convenzionali12 ZONES FIRE DETECTION CONVENTIONAL PANEL equipped with 4 zones (max 12 zones)
Max 32 detectors and/or MCP per line. Alarm/fault relays,
1 monitored sounders line, 4 programmable open collectors,
1 programmable input. Alarm prealarm/managment…

Centrali, From 4 up to 12 zones, Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosione, Sistemi convenzionali4 WAYS RELAY CARD
NO-NC 30V/1A , to be plugged inside the panel, connection by wires with programmable open collectors of ALPHA 4/8/12

Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneCONVENTIONAL INFRARED FLAME DETECTOR
Ex version, ATEX II 1G Eex ia IIC T6, EN54-10, CE according to CPD/CPR , + base SVEX
Datasheet - FR
Datasheet - NLD
Datasheet - GBR
Datasheet - ITA

MBA95Ex – Zone intrisically
Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneADDRESSABLE ZONE INTRISICALLY INTERFACE MODULE with backbox, for max 10 conventional EEX points, isolator integrated, opto-isolated on the secondary line, EN54-17, EN54-18, EN54-13 CE according to CPD
Datasheet - FR
Datasheet - NLD

SBEX BZ1- Safety barrier
Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneSAFETY BARRIER dedicated for intrisically safe detectors and call points
Datasheet - FR
Datasheet - NLD
Datasheet - ITA
Datasheet - GBR

SBEX BZ2 – Safety barrier
Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneSAFETY BARRIER dedicated for intrisically safe detectors and call points, opto-isolated
Datasheet - FR
Datasheet - NLD
Datasheet - GBR
Datasheet - ITA

Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneCONVENTIONAL OPTICAL SMOKE DETECTOR
Ex version, ATEX II 1G Eex ia IIC T6 EN54-7, CE according to CPD/CPR
Datasheet - GBR
Datasheet - ITA

SBEX BZ3 – Safety barrier
Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneSAFETY BARRIER dedicated exclusively for intrisically safe sounders
Datasheet - FR
Datasheet - NLD
Datasheet - ITA
Datasheet - GBR

Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneCONVENTIONAL RATE OF RISE + FIXED HEAT DETECTOR, Ex version, ATEX II 1G Eex ia IIC
T6, EN54-5, CE according to CPD/CPR
Datasheet - GBR
Datasheet - ITA

Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneMOUNTING BASE
Anti-static design Ex version

Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneTDMC05EX(front MCP) +FBBG2EX-R (Back box MCP),
CONVENTIONAL MANUAL CALL POINT with reset key, Ex version,
Certified ATEX 94/9/CE, CE certified, EN60079-0, EN60079-11

Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneINTRISICALLY SAFE SOUNDER-EX-
100db, to be used with SBEX BZ3

Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosioneEXPLOSION PROOF RELAY BEAM DETECTOR,
For linear smoke detection supplied with reflector for distance from 3 up to 30 meters,
Integrated laser pointer for alignment,
EN54-12, CE according to CPD/CPR,…

EX4A4ex – 4 zones expansion board
Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosione4 ZONES EXPANSION BOARD Ex VERSION to be used with explosion hasard area detectors, max 10 detectors per line, 1 or 2xEX4A4ex can be plugged in ALPHA 4/8/12 and permits to include max 10 intrisically detector zones

Centrali, Centrali e rilevatori intelligenti / interattivi, From 1 to 128 adresses, From 1 to 1600 adresses, From 1 to 400 addresses, Prodotti per aree a rischio di esplosione12 WAYS RELAY CARD,
NO-NC 30V/1A, to be plugged inside ALPHA 4/8/12 panel, serial communication, permits to repeat states of the panel on 12 relays